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vs K3s vs minikube

Lightweight Kubernetes distributions are becoming increasingly popular for local development, edge/IoT container management and self-contained application deployments. If you are looking to run Kubernetes on devices lighter in resources, have a look at the table below. MicroK8s stands out for its simplicity, robustness and completeness.

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Compare features

Feature MicroK8s K3s minikube
CNCF certified yes yes yes
Vanilla Kubernetes yes yes
Architecture support x86, ARM64, s390x, POWER9 x86, ARM64, ARMhf x86, ARM64, ARMv7, ppc64, s390x
Enterprise support yes yes
Single-node support yes yes yes
Multi-node cluster support yes yes
Automatic high availability yes yes
Automatic updates yes yes
Memory requirements 540 MB 512 MB 644 MB
Add-on functionality yes yes
Container runtime containerd, kata CRI-O, containerd Docker, containerd, CRI-O
Networking Calico, Cilium, CoreDNS, Traefik,
NGINX, Ambassador, Multus, MetalLB
Flannel, CoreDNS, Traefik, Canal,
Calico, Cilium, Flannel, ingress, DNS,
Default storage options Hostpath storage, OpenEBS, Ceph Hostpath storage, Longhorn Hostpath storage
GPU acceleration yes yes yes

Why MicroK8s?

Selecting your lightweight Kubernetes distribution depends on the use case, the resource constraints and your familiarity with the Kubernetes internals.

MicroK8s is the easiest way to consume Kubernetes as it abstracts away much of the complexity of managing the lifecycle of clusters. Its low-touch UX automates or simplifies operations such as deployment, clustering, and enabling of auxiliary services required for a production-grade K8s environment. Compared to other lightweight distributions MicroK8s is the only option that provides a single-command installation, automatic high availability clustering and automatic updates.

Robustness is a key primitive, particularly for production environments. Transactional over-the-air patching and security fixes, provided through the snap package as well as self-healing high availability of the Kubernetes control plane services, give MicroK8s the edge for mission-critical workload support.

With MicroK8s you get a complete, CNCF-compliant Kubernetes environment and all the services you need to run your OCI containers at scale, such as networking & load balancing, storage, service mesh, observability, GPU & FPGA acceleration, multi-cluster management and more - something unique among lightweight Kubernetes distributions.

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  • Project evaluation
  • Requirements and feature review
  • Pricing and TCO assessment
  • Migration and embedding strategy

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