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Installing MicroK8s on Windows 10/11

Note: We recommend Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10 Enterprise. MicroK8s will also require at least 4GB of available RAM and 40GB of storage.

  1. Download the MicroK8s Installer
    Download the latest installer here

  2. Run the installer

    The installer checks if Hyper-V is available and switched on. If you don’t have Hyper-v (e.g. on Windows 10 Home edition) it is possible to use VirtualBox as an alternative.

  3. Configure MicroK8s
    configure installer

    You can now configure MicroK8s - the minimum recommendations are already provided. For information on changing the ‘Snap Track’, see this page.

    You can change this configuration at a later date by re-running the installer. Note that the Memory and Disk limits are initially set at the minimum values. If you are planning on running large workloads (e.g. kubeflow will require around 12GB RAM) you will want to set these higher.

  4. Open a command line and check the status with microk8s status --wait-ready:

  5. Turn on the services you want
    MicroK8s includes a series of add-ons and services which can be enabled at any time. For example:

    microk8s enable dns
    microk8s enable storage
    microk8s enable ingress
    microk8s enable dashboard

    You can disable addons with the microk8s disable <addon> command.

  6. Start using Kubernetes!
    MicroK8s wraps the kubectl command familiar to Kubernetes users, so you can simply perform any usual Kubernetes operation. Try:

    microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
  7. Access the Kubernetes dashboard using the dashboard-proxy command:

    microk8s dashboard-proxy

    Open a browser, go to the URL shown in the output and use the token to log in to the dashboard:

  8. Start and stop Kubernetes

    Kubernetes services are always running in the background consuming power and resources. When not using MicroK8s, use the following command to stop the Kubernetes services:

    microk8s stop

    To start the services, you can use:

    microk8s start

What next?

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.